We Have A Problem. . .

Well. I think this may be my official "undoing." It appears the entire six years of photo history within my blog has been wiped away. All except those I decided NOT to delete in Google+. Why, may you ask, would you EVER do that? Delete photos. To save space, silly. I had moved my photos from my phone onto Google+ (to shore up more space on my phone--like you are supposed to do, like you are told to do). While doing so, decided, well, since I was "in there," may as well free up more space in Google+, because wouldn't that be nice to free up space for Google? So I deleted some photos of "old food" and whatnot. Years. Of. Food. And. Whatnot. . .GONE.

Never, never realizing for one single moment that I had just deleted 99.9 of my blog photo history. Because I am prone to hysterics, and yes, you could say I am near hysterical right now, I called my DH. Oh no, he said. When he says "oh no," this is very bad.

I have been deep breathing and holding several downward facing dogs, tree poses, child's poses, OMG- I-think-I'm-going-to-crack poses. None of which seems to keep my own limbs from trembling. 

Now the question is: do I keep this blog going. I mean, of course, I have to keep it going. But maybe this is a sign of some sort, to turn a new page. To begin again. Maybe it is time. My recipes and text all seem to be intact. So what if there are big OVALS in place of some of my foodie shots? 
Use your imagination!

Okay. Well, I have placed a HELP note out there in blogger world. I have to remain positive here. I think this is why I don't Tweet, FB or anything else. All I've ever really spent my time and energy on as far as "social" is concerned has occurred right here in this blog: through my food/life/love and chocolate exploits. It's really all I have energy for anymore. I am a busy woman. Plus, truthfully, I am not a particularly social person. I mean, if you were to meet me, you might assume, Wow, she seems really 'social'. Um, not so much. Social with friends, yes--real ones. So in retrospect, blogging was my perfect way of sorta reaching out, but sorta not, too. 

Again, back to the question: What happens next?

I don't know. (There are bigger questions we need answers to in the universe right now.) 
No pictures for blog is NOT the worst thing that's ever happened to me. Trust me. 

Hopefully a super smart, super kind individual will come up with an answer for me. In the meantime, life goes on here at Vegan Thyme, minus the food shots. Ugh. 


  1. Ohhh, I'm so sorry! However, it's your words that keep me following your blog. The photos are great, but they're just icing on the cake!

  2. Thank you, Bonnie! I left you a note via email--but still wanted to say here how much this sentiment meant to me.

  3. Oh, my gosh! You so have my sympathies! I lost all of my photos and had to manually add them back to the blog for years and years worth of posts - TWICE. Would it be possible for you to re-upload the photos from your computer? Or do you not have them any longer since you deleted them on Google?

  4. Thank you! And you have my sympathies as well--OMG, once is enough for me--if this happens twice, well, there may be a doctor visit needed! I have several photos stored in other areas/computers, but then pulling the food out and finding the post to match--right now, I'm not so sure I have the stamina for that. And yes, the majority are simply "gone." I'm mostly going in and trying to delete the blank "ovals" left behind from the mass deletion! It's awful. Just awful. There is no upside. However, I have a new PINK blog layout--which I am using as a therapy color for now--it makes me happy, the pink! Thank you again for the note!


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